Earn your 理学硕士 degree in Counseling Psychology at 十大网络彩票平台大全


The 理学硕士 in Counseling Psychology program prepares students to become professional community mental health counselors in a variety of settings including human service agencies, 学校, 矫正系统和医院.


与神圣家族的传统相一致 teneor votis (I am bound by my responsibilities) counseling psychology students are inspired to advocate for social justice, 塑造公共政策, and witness the dignity of each person and the human family. 本着这种精神, the mission of the 理学硕士 in Counseling Psychology is to graduate well-rounded scholar-practitioners who can integrate theory, 研究, 和实践.


  • 道德行为
  • 专业能力
  • 尊重多样性和人的尊严
  • 服务社会
  • 循证实践



This program prepares students to become competent scholar-practitioners who are eligible for state licensure and/or certification in their particular specialty area. 研究生s of the 理学硕士 in Counseling Psychology program, 无论集中在哪个区域, 展示以下领域的技能和知识:

  • Professionalism and ethical practice according to the American Counseling Association Code of Ethics and federal and state laws governing counseling practice
  • 人类成长和发展的生物-社会心理模型
  • Theoretical approaches to counseling and case conceptualization
  • 对健康和预防采取综合办法
  • 帮助人际关系和咨询技巧
  • 团体咨询,过程和动力
  • 心理教育
  • 职业及职业发展
  • Multicultural, social justice, and advocacy in counseling and the profession
  • 评估及评核
  • 研究和项目评估方法
  • 精神病理学和诊断系统



All 4 concentrations in the Masters of Counseling Psychology program have been designed to meet the educational requirements for students to become Licensed Professional Counselors (LPC) in the state of Pennsylvania. Below is an overview of the 4 areas of concentration in the Masters of Counseling Psychology Program:


The 艺术治疗 concentration prepares master-level counselors in the 临床 use of art in therapy. 艺术治疗师对人类的发展非常了解, 心理学理论, 临床实践, 精神上的, 多元文化和艺术传统, and the healing potential of art in working with a variety of clients in hospitals, 治疗项目, 学校和私人执业. 研究生s of the art therapy concentration are prepared to work in a variety of settings as LPCs. 完成艺术治疗专业的学生将, 作为他们学位课程的一部分, also complete all the educational requirements to be eligible to apply for the credential of Registered Art Therapist (ATR).


The 临床心理健康咨询 concentration prepares master-level counselors to work with adolescents and adults in a community setting. This concentration is designed for students wishing to develop expertise in counseling adolescents and adults. Students also will gain the credentials to assume a supervisory position in community agency settings. 研究生s of the 临床 mental health counseling concentration meet the educational requirements to become LPCs.


The correctional counseling concentration prepares master-level counselors to work in a wide array of settings including, 但不限于联邦和州监狱, 法院诊所, 法医精神病科, 儿童保护中心, 重返社会项目, and other community-based correctional programs that serve crime survivors. This concentration provides a basic foundation in counseling theory and skills with additional coursework in criminological theory, 受害者研究, 以及矫正咨询实践. It also offers an opportunity for criminal justice students to expand their passion to include 康复 services for offenders and their families. 研究生s of the correctional counseling concentration meet the educational requirements to become a LPC.


The school counseling concentration prepares master-level counselors to work as a school counselor in Pre K-12 settings. This Pennsylvania Department of Education-approved school counseling certification program allows students to pursue certification and licensure as a LPC.


The counseling psychology program offers post-graduate programs for all 4 of its concentrations for those interested in obtaining their LPC or other concentration specific credentials. Each post-graduate plan of study is developed on a case-by-case basis. Post-grad plans are recommended by a counseling psychology advisor, but must ultimately be approved by the respective licensing or credentialing board.

学费 & 费用


  • 理学硕士
  • 新城



